Sunday, December 30, 2018

Weekly Readings - Dec 30, 2018


Life, Thoughts & Complication

Reading Books & Articles

What We Learned This Year

Social Impact

Facebook, Control & Lack of Vision

An Expat Teacher in HongKong

A Soldiers Narrative

From A Sports Writer to Amazon Delivery Guy

Gender Gap in Financial Services

Stealthy Wealth: On Being Humble

Technology & Financial Services

Technology Impact on Insurance

Technology Impact on Banking

Wealth management in an era of robots, regulation, and new money

Technology Perspective on Banking


Perspective of Value Investing

Why to Invest in Equities?

Equities vs Real Estate

Investing: Do your own homework

** Investing Ideas That Changed My Life

** Investing websites and why I use them

** Professional Money Management is More About Temperament Than IQ

Why India is a different Market?

Zero Fee Index Funds

Misrepresenting Charts - Bear Cycle Length

Rear View Mirror and Windshield

Opinion Summary: Ritesh Jain


Lemon Tree, Warburg Pincus Form Joint Venture To Develop Co-Living Platform

Banks & 2018: Aadhaar verdict, NBFC crisis & UPI 2.0: Trends that hit banking sector in 2018

Bharti Infratel

GVK To Refinance Debt

NCLT Recovery


The Amazon Affiliate Program

Personal Finance

Want to avoid risks? Buy NCDs and park interest in equities

Portfolio: Interview

Personal Finance: Retirement Plan


Corruption that connect South Africa & India


Being a Punjabi

Trump Again - The Show Builder

India's First Passenger to Fly

Internal Strife of BJP

Paintings of Jobs in 19th century

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