Sunday, December 23, 2018

Weekly Readings - Dec 23, 2018

Read of the week: The importance of thoughtful deliberation—and its implications for the future of capitalism


Recession History Revisited

Alan Greenspan: Investors should prepare for the worst

Why Fed has to Raise rates?

Why Farm Loan Waivers' Makes Sense?

Open letter to the RBI Governor

Niti Aayog -- Making Plans Without the Homework

Maurice Obstfeld discusses his tenure as the IMF’s chief economist


Action Planning 

Walter J. Schloss Revisited
To read more about Walter J. Schloss  --

Buy and Forget vs. Active Investment Management

3 Correlation Myths In Portfolio Construction

Swedroe: Putting Panic In Perspective

Charts & Thoughts 

The best defense is a quality business

Investing: Vijay Kedia's Interview

2019, the Year of Value Stocks?

The Impact of Flows into Exchange Traded Funds: Volumes and Correlations



Being a Wealth Advisor would be Difficult

How to Frame Services. To know who will not be your client is a clarity that one should have in service business. 

How not to do a business!

FAQ for Petrol Pump Dealership

Graphite is the new Gold


Product & Service Design

Why digital strategies Fail

Why data culture matters

Ten red flags signaling your analytics program will fail


Intel from Silicon, Robot for Presidency

Technological singularity


What kind of company is Mckinsy? Read to Conclude 

Chinese Hacking

Jinnah's House in Mumbai – Wadia’s Claim. The Twisted Logic of Swamy

3 Reasons You Are Never Satisfied -- Lifestyle; Relative Wealth; Career obsolescence

Mir Sultan Khan: The Unsung Chess Genius 

Tech Is Killing Street Food

Chennai’s Beloved ‘Rs 5 Doctor’ Passes Away: Why He Was a Messiah to The Poor

How personalized medicine is transforming your health care

On Writing

Gossip in Delhi


Bashing tech companies: : Your Data is Being Sold Without you knowing or understanding its implication

For & Against Social Media

Googling Google


The 24 Most Popular Book Club Picks of the Year

The Sci-Fi & Fantasy Trends of 2018

NYT – 100 Notable Books

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