Sunday, February 9, 2020

Book: Open The Door To A Wealthier Life

Open The Door To A Wealthier Life, has been written by Farhan M. Khalid. This book is appropriate for Muslims in the USA and who would like to pursue sharia-based investing. It deals with many of the elementary topics of personal finance, including how to track your expenses. The book also delves on various sharia-compliant investment options and briefly discusses the differences of opinion.

Those who would want to touch briefly on the following topics may consider the book.
  • How to maximize your income
  • How to minimize your expenses
  • What investment choices are available
  • Why to even bother investing your money
  • The difference between various investments
  • Which investments are considered halal and which are not
  • How to get started in investing on your own with minimal cash
  • How to finance a home without paying interest
For everyone else, it's a book they can choose to miss.

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